Monday, April 9, 2018

Code Monkey = CS + Math

The CodeMonkey app website "is designed as a classroom resource with fully-guided lesson plans. This means that every teacher can teach the Codemonkey courses, even though they have no prior experience in Computer Science." 

The puzzles and games that were accessible in the free 7-day trial would easily allow any teacher to follow the sequences of tasks to gain a basic understanding of how to write code using a language called CoffeeScript. 

It should be noted that students using this app should have solid reading skills, as there are many directions that students must read with each task. 

While many of the courses are appropriate for upper elementary students, the 'Chat Course: Python Course" would be a challenge for those students who excel through the earlier courses.


In the free version, I was able to work through Part 1: Fundamentals and found these puzzles to be a great resource for 4th grade CCSS in math; specifically:

  • 4.MD.A.1 - students need to use a ruler to measure the number of steps the monkey and turtle need to travel to collect the bananas
  • 4.MD.C.6 -when students to measure angles in order to help the money arrive at its final destination (although not intuitive) the ruler can also be used as a protract to measure the angle the monkey needs to turn to cross the bridge in challenge #10

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